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Training Modules
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Whatever our role, the best thing we can do for students is to keep getting better at what we do. Here is how we improve.
Supporting Document:
What We Learned Together (Word)
Improving professional practices includes a cycle of assessing, planning, implementing, and monitoring our progress. Here is how we work through that cycle.
Supporting Document:
What We Learned Together (Word)
No man is an island. School improvement takes teams of people working together toward the same goals. Here is how we improve our teaming.
Supporting Documents:
What We Learned Together (Word)
Quiz: Getting Better in Teams (Word)
Specific details on what the Indistar web-based platform looks like and how it functions, including buttons, links, and what to push when.
Supporting Document:
What We Learned Together (Word)
Tips for coaching a district or school through the school improvement process.
Supporting Documents:
What We Learned Together (Word)
Scenario 1: Getting Better Together with Coaching (Word)
A closer look at implementing and monitoring the team's work on effective practices for school improvement
Supporting Documents:
What We Learned Together (Word)
Implementing and Monitoring School Plans Activity
A closer look at how a leadership team assesses an indicator of effective practice.
Supporting Documents:
A closer look at how a leadership team creates a plan for implementing an indicator of effective practice.
Supporting Documents:
Creating School Plans Activity Sheet
Getting Better at What We Do (30 minutes plus activities)
The Process: Getting Better Together (40 minutes plus activities)
Getting Better in Teams (45 minutes plus activities)
Indistar: Detailed Navigation (45 minutes plus activities)
Getting Better Together with Coaching (50 minutes plus activities)
Getting Better Together: Implementing and Monitoring School Plans (35 minutes plus activities)
Getting Better Together: Assessing an Indicator
Getting Better Together by Planning Our Improvement Tasks
121 N. Kickapoo Street - Lincoln, Illinois 62656 | 217-732-6462
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