The school's parent and family engagement plans are located on the Nemo Vista website. The school will distribute informational packets each year at Open House which request updated contact parent/guardian information and may include a survey for volunteer interests, recommended roles for parents/ teachers/students and school, suggestions of ways parents can become involved in their child's education, parental involvement activities planned for the current school year and information about the system that will be used to allow parents and teachers to communicate (notes, phone calls, email…).
To promote and support responsible parenting, the school shall, as funds are available: Purchase parenting
books, magazines, and other informative materials regarding responsible parenting through the school library, advertise the current selection and give parents the opportunity to check out the materials for review.
A Student/Parent Center is located outside of the Counselor's Office. In it are free updated materials
concerning college/career readiness, drug, tobacco & alcohol use, healthy relationships, and helping their
child prepare for life after high school in the form of brochures, booklets, and pamphlets.
Included in the school's policy handbook is the school's process for resolving parental concerns, including how
to define a problem, whom to approach first, and how to develop solutions.
The principal of Nemo Vista High School has designated (1) certified staff member who is willing to serve as
a parent facilitator, Chase Fresneda.
Parents may be asked to sit in on certain meetings and committees to voice input and be updated on matters about school policy or changes.
Numerous computers are available in the school lab and library where parents can access educational
websites and/or access their student's grades via HAC (Parent eSchool) located on the Nemo Vista